Cloud Computing

Understanding the Cloud in 360°

February 17 - Yaoundé, CM

Who am I ?

Boris-Wilfried NYASSE

✓ I am a Stacker @Stack-Labs

✓ Google Cloud Architect

✓ Passionate Computer Science Engineer

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Cloud Computing ?

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  • Have you ever heard about it ?

  • Have you ever use it ?

Understanding the Cloud

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Understanding the Cloud

How to define it ?

  • Any service that runs on the internet as opposed to your computer

  • Delivering computing power ( CPU, RAM,Network Speeds, Storage…) over a network ( usually on the internet)

physically having the computing resources at the customer location

Why the name Cloud ?

  • a network design : location of various network devices and there inter-connection

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The * As a service

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Initial offer

Current cloud delivery models

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Don’t forget the need of CAAS

The fondamental *aaS Pyramid

using the Cloud Infrastructure

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Why Use the Cloud ?

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1. Storage

✓ Unlimited storage capacity

✓ Back-up and restore data

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2. High Availability

Collaboration in different geographies

✓ Accessible Any Time and From Any Location

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3. Strategic edge

Competitive edge over your competitors

Reliability: get instantly updated about the changes

DevOps: Automatic Software Integration ( CI/CD )

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4. Do more with Less

✓ Companies can reduce the size of their own data centers

5. Flexible costs & cost effective

Pay As You Go or Pay As You Use

Types of Cloud computing

Cloud computing is described by both its deployment model, as well as the service that it provides

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Types of Cloud computing

  • Public Cloud : B2C type interactions

  • Private Cloud : owned by an organization.

  • Hybrid

Public Cloud

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Global Public Cloud Network

Ex: Google Cloud

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Concept of Availability Zones and Regions

Ex: Google Cloud

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Cloud Data Center Locations

Ex: Google Cloud

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Migrating to the Cloud

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Lift and Shift Approach

  • from on-prem to cloud compute instances

  • Fast migration vs Technical debt

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Cloud Native Approach

  • long-term redesign for long-term benefits

  • Increased risk of vendor lock-in

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Your Journey to the cloud

  • Entreprise Foundation


Discover some Cloud products

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GCP with *AAS

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How do you adapt as Developer ?

  • Adoption of Cost Driven Development ( FinOps )

  • Continuous learning : Cloud Expertise

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African CIOs seek flexible pricing, scalability

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  • Cloud optimizes costs in emerging markets

  • Look to speed time-to-market

  • Cloud latency issues remain

5 African markets cloud-ready

South Africa ,Mauritius, Kenya, Morocco, Tunisia

10 African markets nearly cloud ready

Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanazania, Senegal, Egypt, Ivory Coast, Namibia, Uganda

Uses and Examples of Cloud Computing

  1. Scalable Usage : Netflix with streaming service

  2. Chatbots: Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant - all are cloud-based natural-language intelligent bot

  3. Big Data & Analytics : Hadoop , Cassandra …

  4. Productivity & Collaboration : Google Docs & Office 365

Uses and Examples of Cloud Computing

  1. Communication: WhatsApp

  2. Healthcare : DoctoLib

  3. IOT : SigFox

  4. CD/CI: CloudBees, CodeMagic

THE FUTURE : Hybrid & Multi Cloud

Google Anthos

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